Dear Rebel,
Anne-Sarah, Alexia and Marie have incredible courage.
It’s 1pm. Anne-Sarah, Alexia and Marie are at Zurich station. Each has brought a large sign that says, in German, French and Italian: “Arrested because I’m worried”. They adjust their sign, look straight ahead, and walk confidently down Bahnhofstrasse.
On their way, they see police cars, policemen in uniform, and guess police officers in civilian clothes. An elderly woman watches them pass and applauds.
13h10. They arrive at the intersection with Uraniastrasse.
The light at the pedestrian crossing is green, they walk in the same stride, sit on the ground, side by side, facing the cars. “Stopped because I’m worried”. Honest, vulnerable, yet fearless.

They sit on the road at the intersection of Bahnhofstrasse and Uraniastrasse. Because they are afraid of the climate catastrophe, because they are afraid for their future and that of their children. Because they have had the courage to stand up for what is right: a liveable planet.
As they sat on the road, they were joined by a fourth elderly woman, who wanted to show her support. “I’m doing this for my children and grandchildren, it’s important to be here.
All four of them, together, decided to make an act of peaceful rebellion to show the courage of ordinary people. To show what they are willing to do to raise awareness and face the climate emergency.

Alexia, 23 years old: “I am here because I am afraid for my future, I am afraid of extinction. I am here because I want to have children, and I want them to have a livable future.”

Anne-Sarah, 27: “We are in the middle of a climate catastrophe and the politicians are not acting. Sitting in the street and disobeying is the only thing I can do.”
Incredible courage. Courage that calls for our courage.
Meanwhile, at the police station…

The count of rebels spending the night in jail is 12.
Everyone who was arrested on Monday is now free. 9 of the rebels arrested on Tuesday are still in, and 3 of today’s arrests joined them.
They’re in our thoughts - along with gratitude, love and incredible pride.
IMPORTANT: note for arrested rebels :
Have you given news to the legal team? Please let them know what time you were arrested and what time you came out at - it’s really important!
You hadn’t planned on getting arrested? Are you worried about anything? Please contact our amazing legal support team for any question: FR: +41 76 711 73 55, +41 76 610 56 81; DE: +41 76 696 12 07, +41 76 611 31 27
If you’re feeling a bit shaken, take time to regenerate yourself, talk to your loved ones. If you need to talk and don’t know whom to talk to, you can call Selina from the regenerative culture team! 079 555 57 15
👉 Défilé d’arrestations sur📍Bahnhofstrasse ⏱ en début d’après-midi 👉 Die-in sur📍Paradeplatz ⏱16:00
Toutes les personnes qui veulent soutenir et participer à visibiliser la rébellion peuvent se rendre au stand à 📍 Pestalozzianlage ⏱dès 11:00 pour prendre des flyers et les distribuer.